Этим поздравлением я хочу подчеркнуть единство всех граждан бывшего СССР. Это была наша общая победа, поэтому и праздник пусть продолжает быть одним для всех, не зависимо от того, где мы сейчас живём.
Георгий Раевский верно изложил похожую мысль в стихах:
Да, какие б пространства и годы
До тех пор ни лежали меж нас,
Мы детьми одного народа
Оказались в смертельный час...
По традиции, предлагаю для просмотра видео Парада Победы на Красной Площади в Москве (см. ниже). К сведению - войска одеты в форму нового образца.
Congratulations on the Victory Day! It is the commemoration of the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. In the West, the official celebration falls on the 8th of May - the day, on which field marshal Keitel signed the capitulation of Wehrmacht in 1945, and the war in Europe ended.
The document was signed in Berlin late in the evening of the 8th, when it was early morning of the 9th in Moscow. Thus, Russia, as well as several other nations, celebrates this holiday on the following day.
Below is the video of the traditional Victory-Day Military Parade in Moscow, Russia.
By the way, in the wake of the 66th anniversary of the Victory, a Russian WW II veteran, disgruntled with the government's poor housing efforts, asks Obama for shelter in America.
Read the article here (courtesy of Russia Today).
As always, you are to the point, concise and very informative.Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am glad you like my posts. I have more ideas to share with you, but busy with finals now. Hopefully, I'll have more time to write after the graduation.