Saturday, December 31, 2011

С Новым Годом!

Дорогие Друзья!

Поздравляю Вас с Новым 2012 Годом и Рождеством! Год Дракона да принесёт Вам удачу, душевное спокойствие, семейное согласиe, финансовое благополучие и хорошее здоровье!

А если драконовы выхлопы всё же посмеют нарушить Ваш покой, то запивайте их шампанским или "Боржоми" - во избежание изжоги!!!

С праздником!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you for reading my posts and leaving interesting and stimulating comments in 2011. Carry on!

May the Holiday Spirit stay with you for the New 2012 Year! Success attend you and your loved-ones!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Euro 2012 Soccer Draw Ceremony Results.

To my fellow soccer fans:

The Draw Ceremony, held in Kiev, Ukraine, has just ended and delivered interesting results. Four qualification groups have been assigned. In each group, four national teams will compete for two seats in the playoffs.

Here is the draw:

Group A: Poland, Greece, Russia, Czech Republic
Group B: Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal
Group C: Spain, Italy, Republic of Ireland, Croatia
Group D: Ukraine, Sweden, France, England

As long as there is the "Group of Death" (Group B), there should also be the "Group of Life." In this case, it is Group A. All its teams are evenly matched, perhaps, with slight advantage of Russia. But, anything can happen (remember Russia stumbling upon Slovenia in 2009?).

Ukraine is in a tough group. France wants to bounce back from the World Cup disaster - will be hard to beat. England is always a favorite. Sweden is the best match for Ukraine in this quartet so far- in skill and in colors.

Good Luck to Russia and Ukraine. Hope they will clash in the Final!

Enjoy the video of the colorful ceremony.

Now tell me: what team has the best chances of winning Euro 2012?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

el-Qaddafi Is Killed In Libya.

BREAKING NEWS! The former Libyan leader Col. el-Qadaffi is DEAD.

New York Times reports that he "was killed Thursday as fighters battling the vestiges of his fallen regime wrested control of his hometown of Surt after a prolonged struggle."

Read the rest of it here.

...Well, the old man has put up a good fight before the end battling rebels and foreign invaders for months. Respect.

What do you think?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Наш Дурдом Голосует За Путина!

Убойный сатирический хит группы "Рабфак"! Вот уж действительно - ударим самодеятельностью по стреножью и разгильдяйству властьпридержащих. Удручает, однако, лишь то, что пока это есть наш единственный способ протеста. Ну что ж, с почином...

Как сообщает, "песня исполняется от лица душевнобольного, недоумевающего, почему в ответ на вопросы про «Газпром», «Лукойл» или «распил» он получает от санитаров только уколы".


Как Вам?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Tribute to Steve Jobs.

 He introduced iPhone, iPad, and iPod. However, his "I" is lost in the amount of "us" we use on a daily basis through such technology... Rest in Peace, Steve.

P.S. Apple fans propose changing of the company's logo to commemorate Steve Jobs. In my opinion, not a bad idea. Check it out here.

What do you think?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Most Hated Car.

Fortune Magazine has recently published an analysis of the best and the worst cars of the summer 2011. You can see them here. But what triggered my attention was the title "The Most Disliked 2011 Car." Apparently, this year the boo goes to... the Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet.

When I saw it for the first time, I immediately thought that something was missing. Literally, the top of the car. Figuratively, again the top of the car as its aesthetic parameter.

I imagine riding in this car (well... strictly from the aesthetic point of view) probably feels like riding this:

...By the way, my choice of the most hated car goes to ZAZ 968m "Zaporozhets," also known among the Soviet folk as "Zapor" (Russian for "constipation"). In fact, my grandfather owned that model. Ugly enough, it also had "ears" - air intakes on both sides for cooling the engine. Here is that "piece of art" in action (video):

Now, tell me: what is your most hated car of all times? Leave it in the comment section below.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lokomotiv Is Full-Strength Again. Локомотив - Снова В Полном Составе.

Two days ago, the last player of the ice-hockey club, Lokomotiv Yaroslavl, and the survivor of the catastrophe, died in the hospital. His name is Alexander Galimov. From now on, Lokomotiv is full-strength again... in heavens.

Rest in peace, guys... My deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and hockey fans worldwide. 

P.S. The memorial monument is being built now at the crash site (photos).

Позавчера, как и всегда отборовшись до конца, в больнице скончался Александр Галимов - единственный выживший в авиакатастрофе игрок ХК "Локомотив" Ярославль. Что ж, друзья, команда опять в полном составе. На этот раз, на небесах.

Покойтесь с миром, ребята... Приношу свой соболезнования семьям погибших и всем хоккейным болельщикам на планете.

P.S. В данный момент, на месте трагедии, проходит строительство мемориала (фото).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Сегодня 70 лет начала Великой Войны. 70th Anniversary of the Great War on Russian Front.

Я хотел написать больше по этому поводу, но не могу подобрать слов. Может быть и не надо. Скажу лишь, что эта Война - незаживающая рана в сердце каждого моего соотечественника. Знайте: пока не найден и не похоронен последний погибший солдат, Война не закончена.

Всё уже много раз оговорено и взвешено. Осталось исчислить. Удачи в этом историкам и поисковым бригадам!.. А я с Вами буду смотреть видео "Ты Всегда Рядом" - работы Ксении Симоновой - и... помнить.

For every Russian, and many people from the former USSR, June 22 is the gruesome date. On that day in 1941, the Nazi troops invaded us without declaring a war. That was how the Great Patriotic War, the most devastating war in history, began. It went on for four years - from 1941 to 1945. The conflict revealed the weakness of our leaders and the relentless courage and sacrifice of our people. Let's remember it by watching Kseniya Simonova's sand art (video):

Monday, May 9, 2011

С Днём Победы - 9 мая! Happy Victory Day!

Друзья, поздравляю Вас с Днём Нашей Великой Победы! Спасибо нашим прадедам, дедам и отцам за то, что они отстояли Родину от захватчиков. Вечная им память!

Этим поздравлением я хочу подчеркнуть единство всех граждан бывшего СССР. Это была наша общая победа, поэтому и праздник пусть продолжает быть одним для всех, не зависимо от того, где мы сейчас живём.

Георгий Раевский верно изложил похожую мысль в стихах:

Да, какие б пространства и годы
До тех пор ни лежали меж нас,
Мы детьми одного народа
Оказались в смертельный час...

По традиции, предлагаю для просмотра видео Парада Победы на Красной Площади в Москве (см. ниже). К сведению - войска одеты в форму нового образца.

Congratulations on the Victory Day! It is the commemoration of the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. In the West, the official celebration falls on the 8th of May - the day, on which field marshal Keitel signed the capitulation of Wehrmacht in 1945, and the war in Europe ended.

The document was signed in Berlin late in the evening of the 8th, when it was early morning of the 9th in Moscow. Thus, Russia, as well as several other nations, celebrates this holiday on the following day.

Below is the video of the traditional Victory-Day Military Parade in Moscow, Russia.

By the way, in the wake of the 66th anniversary of the Victory, a Russian WW II veteran, disgruntled with the government's poor housing efforts, asks Obama for shelter in America.

Read the article here (courtesy of Russia Today).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Survey For My Research Project

Dear Readers!

Please help with my university research project by taking this survey. It is about travel. The participation will literally take one minute of your time, and will allow me collect the representative data. Some of you have already taken it through my other communication sources (e.g., twitter and e-mail) - thank you, you can disregard this message.

However, new respondents are welcome to click here. By the way, feel free to distribute the link further - to your friends and acquaintances:

Thank you for your time and participation!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

50 Лет Полёту Юрия Гагарина. 50th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's Flight.

50 лет назад он сказал: "Поехали"!.. Простое русское слово гениально подчеркнуло момент и, разогнав его "Восток", ошарашило Запад...

Юрий Гагарин не только лётчик-космонавт и герой, он - воплощение воли народа СССР. Менее чем через 16 лет после разрухи Великой Войны, страна первой совершила прорыв в космос. Небывалое достижение, равных которому не сыскать!

Мои соотечественики (бывшие и настоящие), нам всё ещё есть чем гордиться! Будем же помнить!.. Поздравляю Вас с Юбилеем Дня Космонавтики!

Fifty years ago, the mankind stepped into space. Vostok-1 bursted into it with all the might and will of the people of the USSR. The first man in cosmos was the Russian Yuri Gagarin.

Less than 16 years after the ruining Great Patriotic War, the country made the unbelievable breakthrough. Congratulations to my compatriots and to the whole humanity on the anniversary of the greatest Soviet achievement!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Fools' Day!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me... Eh, whatever! I bet we all have been fooled before or acted buffoonish sometimes. Today we salute you, Mr. Dupe-Boob-Acting Weirdly-Monkey Boy! Today is your time to shine.

So, leave alone sentiments and watch the episode from Flashbacks of a Fool accompanied by the mind-shattering psychedelic melody of David Bowie and Roxy Music. Harry Eden and Felicity Jones' performance is breathtaking. In my opinion, it is one of the best movies of the decade. Here is the video:

Let's remember and cherish life as it comes with all its foolishness and grotesque, not as we have wanted it to be... It's not worth worrying about anyway! Happy Fools' Day!

Friday, March 25, 2011

NY Times' Paywall: What's The Use?

Last Thursday, The NY Times launched the paywall - something they had been talking about and working on for a while. If you want to read their online content, you have to digitally subscribe and pay now. For the U.S., the paywall officially begins on March 28.

Some information will still be free though: you can view first 20 articles each month at no charge. However, if you are their avid follower, you will have to fork out.

I guess there is nothing wrong with the Times' decision to make some extra money. As you know, the press now goes through tough times economically. But the effort, in my opinion, is short-lived. They can charge for content but they still can't profit.

If the reputation of the print has been damaged by biases, lack of objectivity, and innuendos (i.e.,very Times-like), it is hard to attract readers to purchase. Especially, when the public turns from the traditional to the lifestyle politics. Besides, according to The Huffington Post, The Times says "most readers will likely not go past the 20-article-a-month limit." So, what's the use of the paywall then?..

I may continue reading the Times' free content, just because it has turned into a habit. But, if I suddenly have to pay, I will find alternative sources. There are so many of them - if not in the U.S., then overseas for sure. Perhaps, a new and a more creative marketing strategy of The NY Times, which lures in advertisers, would be a way out of the paywall. Information wants to be FREE!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Twitter PR Chief Unfollows Journalist After Unflattering Article

Twitter PR chief unfollows journalist after unflattering article | TG Daily

Stick your head in the sand - yeah, "great" crisis-management PR tactics from Twitter. A clear example of what NOT TO DO if you are an organization under criticism. To not respond to it is dumb, but to aggravate the situation by provoking more criticism is even dumber.

Good read. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Take on the Wisconsin's Political Turmoil.

A genius or a villain, the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker (the republican), is certainly no sucker at the game of politics. His budget repair bill has infuriated thousands of union members and public workers. But their outrage is exactly what this guy needs.

Make no mistake - the first part of the bill is a needed and a timely measure to fix the "hole." I agree, it is time for the state workers to contribute more to their social benefits (e.g., medical insurance and retirement funds). Last time I checked, our economy was still in recession. We need to fix it, for crying out loud.

Another part of the bill, which is the major cause for the democratic anger, sets to limit the collective bargaining agreement rights of the unions. Holy Cow! The sacred democratic right is in danger! And yet, Walker goes for it.

Here is the deal: the governor knows his plan to cut the State's contributions to the employees' insurance and pension funds is a priori needed, but unlikeable. Possibly, if proposed all by itself, the plan may not be accepted. Therefore, he adds a second tier to it - limitation of the unions rights. Kaboom!

The world goes nuts, and the democrats follow. They hide somewhere trying to sabotage the bill (by the way, disregarding their primary duty). But the democrats are in minority - all they can rely on is the compromise. This is what the witty Walker needs to push the budget cuts. Once the "donkeys" return and repent, he will agree to not limit the rights of the unions - in turn, the protesters will agree to pay more for their benefits.

Freedom is saved and everybody is happy... It is just my humble opinion, dear readers. But I really think I may be right on this one. Tell me what you anticipate.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Packers Win Super Bowl! Our Celebration!

Yes, yes, yes - I did watch the Super Bowl. I even shot our party on video. Just did not have time to upload it here because of school and work overload. Alright, enough of excuses.

I watched the game at my friends' in Oconomowoc, WI. These are those glorious moments (video):

And here's my buddy, Dan, with, what many may agree on, the best Packer-Dance moves (video):

As you can see in the videos, our celebration was loud but... responsible. However, we saw pretty wild stuff on the street after the game: girls flashing, fans binge drinking, and passing cars honking!

Great time to be a Packer Fan! Let's do it again next year!.. I mean both - the Bowl and the party. Go, Pack, Go!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard in Milwaukee on Feb.1, 2011 (photo, video).

Last night was a lot of fun! Probably for the first time in many years, we had an attribute of the real winter. A blizzard with lots of snow (18 inches) and gusty winds (64 miles per hour) was echoing in chimneys with moans and growls all night, and, exhausted by morning, left a cemetery-like white peacefulness behind.

 This is the view of my balcony. Lots of shoveling awaits me. Or, I can just let it be and wait until it melts naturally... Yep, a slacker I am! :)

Here's another evidence of the storm's aftermath (shot by my friend, Vitaliy Havrylyuk):

 One more photo - contributed by Alexei Ovchinnikov.

I'd like to also show you videos of the last night's blizzard in Milwaukee (courtesy of the courageous Vitaliy Havrylyuk).

Video 1:

Video 2:

The governor of Wisconsin has declared a state of emergency. Today, the majority of streets and roads are blocked and empty; nothing and nobody works in Milwaukee (except for snow plowers and an emergency staff). Guess what! There's so much snow, they've called the National Guard to help clean... Literally, it was the day the world stood still!

Harsh conditions for work and travel - perfect for a snow fight! Let's go outside! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Russians Are The JWC Hockey Champions! Video.

Who could have thought that, trailing 0-3 after two periods in the hostile territory versus the praised and the toughest Canadian team, the Russians would pull the craziest comeback in the history of hockey? May be just some die-hard fans, like myself, but certainly not the ones in attendance last night.

However, not only did the Russians tie, but scored two more goals to "bury" the canucks in the ice of the HSBC Arena. The scorers: Kitsyn, Tarasenko, Dvurechenskiy, and Panarin (twice). Video:

Last night I believed in miracles, and I was almost ready to believe in fairy-tales. And the fairy-tale it was! Some compare the yesterday's game with the Miracle On Ice of 1980. But I think it is by far the most stunning moment in sport, much greater than what has happened in Lake Placid.

Wednesday's thriller culminated in the triumph of the Russian never-say-die character, much of which had been forgotten lately by many. The boys in the white-red-and-blue jerseys showed the world, what their country was all about.

My friends, this is Russia!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

U20 Hockey Championship: Russia To Face Canada In The Final! Video.

The Russian under-twenty national hockey team has given its fans a great present for the New Year's! They got into the final of the World Ice-Hockey Championship by beating Sweden in shootouts.

Unlike the beginning of the tournament, Russia started the match vigorously: leading 2-0 by the 28th minute.Video of the first goal:

Video of the second goal:

But then the Swedes not only tied the game but went up by one. The 2-3 score remained until the minute and a half left in the third period, when Kalinin tied during the crash-the-net effort of his team.

Video of the third goal:

In the shootouts Russia's Golubev was victorious over Lener, and the goalie, Shikin, saved on all Swedish attempts.

Great performance and the display of never-say-die character lead Russia to face the Canucks in the final on Wednesday! Good luck, comrades!

Dear readers, I will post video highlights of the final game, once they are available. See you back here soon.