Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Tribute to Steve Jobs.

 He introduced iPhone, iPad, and iPod. However, his "I" is lost in the amount of "us" we use on a daily basis through such technology... Rest in Peace, Steve.

P.S. Apple fans propose changing of the company's logo to commemorate Steve Jobs. In my opinion, not a bad idea. Check it out here.

What do you think?


  1. I think it is a huge loss for all of us. He was an entrepreneur and a visionary. He changed peoples' lives and the world of technology. Steve was remarkably humble and genuine man. Watching his 2005 Stanford Commencement Ceremony gives another perspective on his life and who he was as a person. RIP Steve!


Any feedback from readers is appreciated, as well as a courtesy to the humble writer (no profanity please).