Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Survey For My Research Project

Dear Readers!

Please help with my university research project by taking this survey. It is about travel. The participation will literally take one minute of your time, and will allow me collect the representative data. Some of you have already taken it through my other communication sources (e.g., twitter and e-mail) - thank you, you can disregard this message.

However, new respondents are welcome to click here. By the way, feel free to distribute the link further - to your friends and acquaintances:

Thank you for your time and participation!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

50 Лет Полёту Юрия Гагарина. 50th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's Flight.

50 лет назад он сказал: "Поехали"!.. Простое русское слово гениально подчеркнуло момент и, разогнав его "Восток", ошарашило Запад...

Юрий Гагарин не только лётчик-космонавт и герой, он - воплощение воли народа СССР. Менее чем через 16 лет после разрухи Великой Войны, страна первой совершила прорыв в космос. Небывалое достижение, равных которому не сыскать!

Мои соотечественики (бывшие и настоящие), нам всё ещё есть чем гордиться! Будем же помнить!.. Поздравляю Вас с Юбилеем Дня Космонавтики!

Fifty years ago, the mankind stepped into space. Vostok-1 bursted into it with all the might and will of the people of the USSR. The first man in cosmos was the Russian Yuri Gagarin.

Less than 16 years after the ruining Great Patriotic War, the country made the unbelievable breakthrough. Congratulations to my compatriots and to the whole humanity on the anniversary of the greatest Soviet achievement!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Fools' Day!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me... Eh, whatever! I bet we all have been fooled before or acted buffoonish sometimes. Today we salute you, Mr. Dupe-Boob-Acting Weirdly-Monkey Boy! Today is your time to shine.

So, leave alone sentiments and watch the episode from Flashbacks of a Fool accompanied by the mind-shattering psychedelic melody of David Bowie and Roxy Music. Harry Eden and Felicity Jones' performance is breathtaking. In my opinion, it is one of the best movies of the decade. Here is the video:

Let's remember and cherish life as it comes with all its foolishness and grotesque, not as we have wanted it to be... It's not worth worrying about anyway! Happy Fools' Day!